Learn something new everyday

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Learn something new everyday

The great thing about the industry we IT folk find ourselves in is the fact that we are able to learn something new every single day. This does not necessarily happen, but therefore i have committed myself to try and learn something new every day.

It does not need to be a new technology or new way to do something in code, but it can be a new util or a great website or an excellent blog.

So from now on, I will try my best to post a blog entry every Friday with at least 5 things I’ve learned during the week(That’s 1 a day).
For example, today I’ve come across the new Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access, had no idea it even existed, check it out here… you can use it to migrate a MS access db to SQL Server 2005 (yes, i know there is an upsizing wizard in access, but it does not work nicely on SQL 2005)